About Me

My photo
Perth, WA, Australia
Man and I are new Paleo People. We like to go out for breakfast, lunch and dinner more than occasionally. We have been doing the "Whole 30" and are managing quite nicely, thank you very much. As Paleo is looking likely to be our lifestyle we need to know where we can go and eat out and find new food for our new lifestyle. We are learning how to order at restaurants, what is good at home, what our staples are. I found I needed a place to go to help to keep me on track and give me ideas and couldn't find local info. So I am making one for the next person that is looking for a place for paleo friendly info for Perth. Urban Cave Girl blog has evolved to. Now I am sharing what I am learning. This is not a difficult to adhere to lifestyle and we do go "off plan" occasionally. My hope is this blog seves as a guide for other newbie Paleo People.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Finally - Action

How many times have you suggested to a non-feminist that pay inequity exists between the sexes.  I have, but have been summarily dismissed and been told that this is a fallicy.  Well, here is some evidence to support your argument, my feminist friends.  Check out the link:http://www.perthnow.com.au/business/bosses-could-be-forced-to-act-on-womens-pay/story-e6frg2qc-1225850773515

Could someone please explain why, after 50 years of fighting for equity in pay, this is still an issue. 

Yours Disillusioned.

The F Word.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Some food for thought

I love my partner and my children with passion. This neither defines nor detracts from my femininity or my femininism.  My femininity and feminism are a result and refelction of my thoughts and actions. 

 I feel the need to put this out there in the blogger-sphere.  I am getting really sick and tired of the expectation that as a feminist I will have a butch persona, hate men and withdraw from the care, love and support of my family.  I am sure that some feminists are butch whether this is a result of their feminism or their personal style.  The idea that ones personal style is intrinsically linked to ones feminism irritates me to the core.  Feminists are people who have to deal with normal everyday situations.  As a feminist I continue to learn about the suppression of women's rights and the political backfoot that women are placed in and need to address.  While feminism is the lens I envoke to view most issues with, I am not conciously a feminist most of the time.  I have absorbed the ideology and continue to quesiton much of it.  Feminism should not be dogma or stereotypical.  It should be dynamic and evolutionary. It should be questioned and refined.  Feminism is not static.  

The quote I placed above is a reminder to those out there who believe that their encounter with a feminist will follow some script or that the feminist they encounter will be stereotypical.  BEWARE:  we may be mothers, lovers, artisits, professionals. We may wear make-up and designer clothes or we may wear op-shop or bargain basket attire. We may be black, white, asian.  We are wealthy, poor, middleclass.  We may be beautiful or plain. We come from many cultural and religious backgrounds.  We are income earning or supported.  We can even be male or female.  The one thing we will be is vocal about equality. I am woman who loves her partner and children.  This does not define my femininity or my feminism.  My defininition of myself is a totality of my thoughts and actions.